Thought for Today

June 05, 2013
They said, "If you want a perfect relationship go watch a movie."

One thing about life and movies is that it might seem the same but actually it's not. You can compare it but it cannot be alike. What I am trying to say is that in life it's not necessary to change who you are to get the guy like you. You can't go back in time and meet the person you're going to marry, fall in love with a hot vampire or that bad boy seatmate of yours will be your knight and shining armor as you being his damsel in distress.

Don't take things seriously. Life is about being literal in many ways. The more you over think, fantasize and daydream the more you lose your sanity in this mother fucking reality. You won't know what life and love really has cause for you because it always seem so surreal that makes you think you'll always have a god damn happy ending but that truth is that there is no happy ending unless we died and that's it.

End of story.

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