Dear Future Lover

August 09, 2017

All of my life I’ve felt like I’ve had to change for the people around me–my parents, my friends, my bosses, my romantic interests. All my life I wasted so much of my time shedding the authentic skin of who I was for a false belief–that belief being the fact that I was unloveable. It was instilled in me from childhood by the people who were supposed to have my back. Their words and their actions made me feel I had to work to be lovable–that I was unworthy of it as I was. So I became a perfectionist, I shed weight, I watched how I talked and acted. I became a shell–hallow and unfulfilled. I felt like a mirage instead of the image of the person I could have been. And to be honest I don’t really know who that person would have been– who I would have been. I suppose I’m writing this because sometimes, despite all of the time and effort I have made working on myself, I still deal with these things. I still feel unlovable. I still feel like unless I work hard at this or that someday you might leave. I used to be mean to myself, but now I’m just hard on myself for all the years I wasted being my own worst enemy. I guess I just wanted you to know where some of this stems from–where this part of me I don’t like got its origin. And I’m sorry if it’s something you see in me and don’t like, but truth be told I will always dislike it more than you ever could. So please be patient. Please be kind. And I guess the good news for you is that you can always leave–I can’t.

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