Things the movie "One More Chance" has taught me.

September 23, 2013
1 It is never wrong to choose to love yourself more. Granted, you’re bound to hurt someone you love in the process, but if that person loves you for real, s/he’ll eventually understand.

2. Love is never vengeful. It can make you stupid, pathetic, drive you to alcoholism, make you suicidal, even blasphemous, but it is never out for revenge. If it is, it is not love.

3. True love prevails, if it is indeed true. Cheesy as it may sound, it’s fact.

4. No matter how painful it is —- heart-wrenching, intensely suffocating, and ultimately depressing —- love is worth it. Now I may not see myself committing to someone as Popoy and Basha have, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I don’t want love. I’m a romantic, it comes with the territory. And I’m determined to be braver in facing things that may not be in my control, because I know that at the end of the day, I’ll be better for it.

Note: This is not the first time I watched this movie, but age, experience and yeah, a different perspective, can make you think and feel, well, differently.

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