Five Questions Every Woman Should Ask

September 02, 2013
Your objective is to avoid being on the string.  The first step is to get over the fear of losing a man by confronting him. Just stop being afaid, already. The most successful people in this world recognize that taking chances to get what they want is much more productive than sitting around being too scared to take a shot. The same philosophy can easily be applied to dating: if putting your requirements on the table means you risk him walking away, it’s a risk you have to take. Because that fear can trip you up everytime; all too many of you let the guy get away with disrespecting you, putting in minimal effort and holding out on the commitment to you because you’re afraid he’s going to walk away and you’ll be alone again. Men recognize this and play on it, big time. How do you do this? Start by making the man be really clear up front about what he wants out of his life and his relationship with you. You do this by asking him these key five questions-questions that will help you determine right away what values this guy has and how you fit into his plans.

Question 1: What are your short term goals?

If you’re going to get into a relationship with a man, you should know what his plans are and how they fit into the key element that makes a man-who he is, what he does, and how much he makes. His answer will help you determine whether you want to be a part of that plan or not.

Question 2: What are your long term goals?

A man who really has a vision for where he wants to see himself in ten years has looked into his future and seriously considered what it’ll take for him to get there. If he says something like “I’m just trying to make it day by day.” RUN. If he doesn’t have a plan, why do you want him to stick around,anyway?

Question 3: What are your views on relationships?

This is a multiple part question that sizes up how a man feels about a gamut of relationships-from how he feels about his parents and kids to his connections with God. Each answer will reveal a lot more about him-whether he’s serious about commitment, the kind of household in which he was raised, what kind of father and husband he might be, whether he knows the lord,all of that.

Question 4: What do you think about me?

His answer will be critical because it will reveal to you what his plans for you are. The level of his specifics will give you yet another clue into this man’s intentions for your relationship.

Question 5: How do you feel about me?

If a man cannot tell you how he feels about you after a month of dating, it’s because he doesn’t feel anything for you-he just wants something. Men do not do emotion well, at all, and expressing it doesn’t come easy. When he starts to profess and put you in a position where he can provide for and protect you, he’s seeing a future with you in it. And this is exactly where you want to be with this guy. The “I think your cool” answer isn’t going to cut it here, ladies. And if, after you’ve asked the question and probed deeper, you realize his feelings for you don’t run very deep-that he’s just not there-then you need to not be there, too.

Men are fully aware that thy have to answer these questions, and any real man is going to answer them. You may not necessarily like the answers, but he’s going to answer them. Don’t think that you’re going to work it out later-that you’ll wait him out until he gets more comfortable with you-because that would be nothing more than blind hope.If you’re already in a relationship with someone, these questions are still valid if you don’t know the answers. You can ask them for clarification. Or you may need to ask them with the hope that they’ll solidify what you may already know-either that you need to get out of your relationship or that you are headed in the right direction.

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