The Pregnancy Scare: A Guide

September 23, 2013
Step 1. Did you have sexual conduct in which there was a chance of pregnancy?

-If a penis touched your vulva or went into your vagina with or without without a condom, yes. Go to step 2
-If a penis came in contact with your vulva through at least one layer of clothing, no. Rejoice that you’re not pregnant!
-If a penis came in contact with your vulva through one layer of lace or other porous material that is soaking wet, maybe. Go to step 2c.
-If there was no to very little vaginal entry and no ejaculation, maybe. Go to step 2c.
-If there was visible ejaculate on a hand or toy that touched your vulva or vagina, yes. Go to step 2
-If there was no visible ejaculate on anything that came in contact with your vulva/vagina, no. Rejoice that you’re not pregnant!
-If there’s a chance semen dripped to your vulva from anal or manual sex, maybe. Go to step 2c

Step 2. Were you using a method of birth control or contraceptive? If so which? Were you using it perfectly? Here is your APPROXIMATE percentage chance of pregnancy.

-I had a oophorectomy and hysterectomy: No you can’t get pregnant.
-I just had one ovary removed: yes you can get pregnant
-I had a hysterectomy without a oophorectomy: you could get an ectopic pregnancy and will need surgery to remove it if you do
-I’ve been sterilized through tubal ligation or vasectomy/ am using an IUD or Implant: There is less than a one percent chance of pregnancy
-I’m using breastfeeding perfectly, my baby only drinks my milk, I will stop after 6 weeks or if I start menstruating, I feed my baby every 4 hours during the day and every 6 hours at night: 1% chance of pregnancy
-I’m using breastfeeding but not perfectly: 9% chance of pregnancy
-I’m using the depo shot, I get it every 3 months: 1% chance of pregnancy
-I’m using the depo shot, but I sometimes get it late: 9% chance of pregnancy
-I’m using the pill, I take it at the same time every day and I make sure none of my medications, vitamins or herbals interfere: 1% chance of pregnancy
-I’m using the pill, but I sometimes forget to take it and I don’t check my medicines: 9% chance of pregnancy
-I’m using the ring, I never take it out except to change it on the same day every week and I make sure none of my medications interfere with it: 1% chance of pregnancy
-I’m using the ring, I sometimes take it out or it falls out or forget to put it in the right time or I haven’t checked my medications: 9% chance of pregnancy
-I’m using the patch, I never take it off except to change it on the same day every week and I make sure none of my medications interfere with it: 1% chance of pregnancy
-I’m using the patch, I sometimes take it off or it falls off or I forget to put it on the right time or I haven’t checked my medications: 9% chance of pregnancy
-I’m using a diaphragm, I make sure to put it in before genitals touch, I only use the one that was fitted for me, it stays in place 6 hours after intercourse, I make sure to reapply spermicide every time I have sex, I don’t use oil based lubes and I make sure to clean it with warm water, mild soap and I air dry it, I replace it if it cracks or looks damaged or every 2 years and I make sure to insert it correctly, I check it from time to time: 6% chance of pregnancy
-I’m using the diaphragm and sometimes put it in too late or too early, or in other ways don’t use it perfectly: 15-24% chance of pregnancy
-I’m using a condom, I check the expiration date and only use packages that don’t look damaged, I keep it in a cool dry area, I check the air bubble, I make sure to put it on correctly and right side out, I put it on before genitals touch, take it off after ejaculation and use one new condom every time genitals are touching, I make sure there’s enough lubrication and not to use oil based lubes, I check it from time to time to make sure it’s still intact: 2-3% chance of pregnancy
-I’m using a condom, I don’t check the expiration date, I use wrinkled packages that have been in my car, pocket or wallet, I don’t check the condom, I don’t know how to put a condom on, I use two condoms at a time, I keep going after ejaculation, I don’t use a new condom every time, I reuse condoms, I don’t make sure it’s lubricated, I use oil based lubes, or I don’t check it: 15-24% chance of pregnancy
-I’m using the sponge, I wet it and make sure to insert it correctly, I use a new one every time, and I check to make sure it hasn’t moved: 6% effective
-I’m using the sponge, I don’t use it perfectly: 15-24% chance of pregnancy
-I’m using the cervical cap, I check it from time to time, I make sure it stays in place for 6 hours after intercourse, I use more spermicide every time I have sex, I don’t share, I insert it correctly and get a new one if there’s any damage or after two years: 6% chance of pregnancy
-I’m using the cervical cap, but not correctly: 15-24% chance of pregnancy
-I’m using the withdrawal method, I make sure that I pull out well before ejaculation and never ejaculate near the vulva, and I make sure that I’ve urinated at least once and it’s been several hours since my last ejaculation so that sperm isn’t present: 15% chance of pregnancy
-I’m using the withdrawal method incorrectly: 24% chance of pregnancy
-I use spermicide by itself, I am sure to follow the directions on the package of the form I’m using, I check the expiration date, I’m sure to insert it enough time for it to be effective and use it every time I have sex: 18% chance of pregnancy
-I use spermicide by itself, I don’t look at the directions or expiration date and otherwise don’t use it perfectly: 25% chance of pregnancy
-I use fertility awareness methods, make sure to take ovulation tests with cervical fluid and temperature tests so that I know when I’m ovulating and follow my cycle for several months to be sure, my cycle is very regular: 9% chance of pregnancy
-I use fertility awareness methods, I’m irregular or I use just a calender method and count days without knowing for sure when I am ovulating or my cycle changes: 25% chance of pregnancy
-I use multiple methods: depending on the methods percentages that you’ve seen you can get an idea for the effectiveness

Step 2b. If you were not using protection did ejaculate actually reach your vulva?

-Yes, and I took the morning after pill within 24 hours: less than 10% chance of pregnancy
-Yes, and I took the morning after pill within 72 hours: 11% chance of pregnancy
-Yes, and I took the morning after pill 120 hours or more: the chance is reduced but not by much.
-Yes, but I’m sure I’m not ovulating: 25% chance of pregnancy
-No, but it’s been several hours since my partner’s last ejaculation and they urinated before: 15% chance of pregnancy
-No, but I’m not sure if my partner ejaculated recently, or I know my partner did: could be 25% chance or more depending if you’re ovulating soon or currently

Step 2c. For instances that are more ambiguous I can’t really give you an exact answer. It’d probably be somewhere below 15%

Step 3. If you haven’t already and it’s been less than 5 days since risky sexual activity, take emergency contraception  This can be found at a doctor’s clinic, Planned Parenthood, Free Clinics, some school health clinics and some pharmacies for over the counter.

Step 4. After 3-4 weeks from the time you had risky sex take a pregnancy test. Even if you had what you thought was your period, if the bleeding was lighter or shorter than usual you should take a pregnancy test just in case. These can be found in most pharmacies and grocery stores.

Step 5. Take pregnancy test. If it was negative, take another in a week just to be sure. If negative again, Congrats you probably aren’t pregnant! If you continue to have missed, lighter, or shorter periods or you develop any symptoms you may want to see a doctor just in case. If it was positive see a doctor and get a test there.

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