Guypothesis - Putting Dating Theories to the Test

September 02, 2013
There are hundreds of dating/relationship advice books, columns, blogs and websites available. The problem is, depending on what you read, the advice can be drastically different.

“Men love bitches”.(Why Men Love Bitches - Sherry Argov)

“Wait 90 days before having sex” (Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man - Steve Harvey)

“Stop Dating Him if He Doesn’t Buy You a Romantic Gift for Your Birthday or Valentine’s Day” (The Rules - Ellen Fein, Sherrie Schneider)

“Different people express their love in different ways” (The Five Love Languages - Gary Chapman)

“Set your expectations high and see if he’ll pay your price” (Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man - Steve Harvey)

“Lower your expectations” (The Only 2013 Dating Resolutions You’ll Need -

One blog post I read, which shall remain anonymous, said both “Give people a chance”…and then later “don’t say yes to a date unless you’re really interested”.

And would you believe it, that’s just for the early phases of dating. Once you’re  in an established relationship? Whole new ball game. Whole new book/article/site/post!!!

As a result, we are pulled this way and that, on information overload and not knowing which way to turn. Where we meet, what we wear, how we act - no matter what we do, it’s pretty much guaranteed there is an expert somewhere yelling “No!!! For the love of god, you’re doing it all wrong!!”

Since this is an online blog, I don’t think it would be inappropriate for me  to insert a resounding FML.

Do we know which theories are the best? Hell no. Do we claim to know what works? Haven’t got a clue. Think dating guinea pigs. Four very different girls with very different tastes.That’s the beauty of it…and it’s kind of the whole point, no?

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