November 02, 2016

Break-up advice.

It will be hard. Suddenly small things will become big and tricky, people will keep asking if you’re okay, and you will say yes because it’s...
September 29, 2016

New Me: Days 6-9/28

I have been MIA in the past days because I am disappointed with myself. As usual I always took my pills on time and still regulate my food i...
September 26, 2016

New Me: Day 5/28

I guess I am on a platue stage. I did my morning set. Peed and do number 2. Had an egg for breakfast and crabs with sitaw and calabasa for l...
September 24, 2016

New Me: Day 4/28

Woke up at 8 am, peed and took my first set. I had a weird feeling earlier this morning since I was so hungry in the morning. The pill shoul...
September 23, 2016

New Me: Day 3/28

Alam was set at 8:00 am. I had to pee before taking my first set of the day. Not like yesterday, I didn't do number 2 today but there...
September 22, 2016

New Me: Day 2/28

I set my alarm at 8am and the first thing I had to do in the morning was to do number 2. It was quite watery but it is manageable. After doi...
September 21, 2016

New Me: Day 1/28

I woke up at around 8 in the morning and took 1 blue/white capsule, 2 purple tablet and 1 white tablet 30 minutes before taking my breakfast...
September 21, 2016

My New Journey to the New Me

Ever since I was a kid, I am always the fat one, the big one and the one who is always been bullied. I always wanted to have a slim figure b...
August 15, 2016

Yes It Will Be HARD

It will be hard. Suddenly small things will become big and tricky, people will keep asking if you’re okay, and you will say yes because it’s...
June 01, 2016

Scared To Love

I’m afraid to fall in love. Maybe because I cannot control myself, my emotion and the love I give. Yes. It’s scary when I fall in love becau...
May 31, 2016

Dear Future

Dear future boyfriend, - you’re not allowed to have the passcode to my phone  - you’re not allowed to tell me what to wear/call me a slut fo...
May 31, 2016

I JUST......

I just wanna fall in love and be in love. I wanna experience the thought of finally being with someone that I really really like. I always e...
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