My New Journey to the New Me

September 21, 2016

Ever since I was a kid, I am always the fat one, the big one and the one who is always been bullied. I always wanted to have a slim figure because that's what I believed is beautiful. And since I love to eat, I have been gaining weight over my elementary and highschool days. People were always fat shaming me and I have heard all the bad stuff that life can offer. 

When I entered college in 2007, I got conscious because I see beautiful girls around and they are slim. From then on I challenged myself that  I should get slim as well. And yes I succeeded. With my friends, we had our baon and it is consisted on fish salad and fruits and we rarely eat at the school cafeteria. I was able to maintained the figure of my dreams until I shifted course and went through hell. To cut the long story short, I have new set of friends who loves to eat, school works is stressing me out and I am on the peak where I love to drink and party. Days, weeks, months passed and I didn't realize that I am gaining weight. I continued the lifestyle where I binge eat whenever I am stressed. 

I was still big when I started working and gained more weight since I was working night shift and I have to eat so for me not to get sleepy. My body adapted so well that my parents started getting worried about my weight and lifestyle. After a few years of working, I decided to quit. I focused on challenging myself again to get to the old figure that I was. I went exercising, diet, and healthy lifestyle but it didn't worked out. I also tried fat burning supplements that promises you to lose weight but it also didn't worked. Though from changing my lifestyle, I was able to shed some of the bulge in my body.

Then come 2016. I was given the opportunity to travel to Japan and spend a few months there. It was a dream come true for me and by the time I was in Japan, I was fascinated by the different things I saw specially food. Whenever and wherever I go, I always tried eating all sorts of food. I totally forgot to control myself. Last July, I also went to Thailand with my mom and went crazy over food again since it was my first time tasting and having Thai food. Again, I was not able to control myself and my mom got mad because I am size L now from M. Then I went back to Japan again last month and from then on I can't stop myself from eating and that I was on my heaviest weight ever which is 70 kilos. 

Now realizations are coming to my head. I am getting heavy and unhealthy. I need a new plan for myself. I need to change myself. This is where I decided that I will go back to the 50 kilos me and try using a new method to lose weight. I am so desperate that I ordered Bangkok Pills online from a legit seller (IG: elitecurve) and she recommended that for first time users to take strong dosage. I got my pills yesterday and we'll see what will happen to the next 28 days. I will be updating my blog everyday through my journey. 

Current weight: 70 kilos

Target weight: 50 kilos 

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