New Me: Day 4/28

September 24, 2016

Woke up at 8 am, peed and took my first set. I had a weird feeling earlier this morning since I was so hungry in the morning. The pill should suppress my appetite but it is the other way around. I ate noodles with one egg for breakfast and for lunch was a slab of rib eye steak.

I felt really sleepy during lunch time but I resisted the temptation of sleeping. Instead, I watched movies so to wake my body up. At around 4 pm, I decided to make sone nachos and had my early dinner by 5 pm. At 6 pm, I took the second set with lots of water. Had to do number 2 as well an hour after the 2nd set. 

At around 8:30 pm, I took my last set of the day. I weighed myself and I was not happy with the result. Yesterday I was at 66.5 kilos and now I was still at 66.5 kilos. No kilos were lost on this day and I hate myself for eating a slab of steak and nachos. 😭😭😭 

Starting weight: 70 kilos

Target weight: 50 kilos

Current weight: 66.5 kilos

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