Yes It Will Be HARD

August 15, 2016
It will be hard. Suddenly small things will become big and tricky, people will keep asking if you’re okay, and you will say yes because it’s easier, but really you’re hurting. You may have a period of time where you don’t want to eat much, because you feel sick at the thought of a world without them or you might eat too much, you might have sleepless nights but you might sleep to get away from it all. Everything will remind you of them. Occasionally you may just be getting along with your day and catch a scent that reminds you of a time you spent together, and suddenly you’re a mess. You might be having a great day with friends and out of the blue you have to excuse yourself because someone mentioned something related to them and you got that burning feeling in your throat again. 

You may play moments you shared over and over and wonder whether you were stupid to end it, but please remember to not regret it. You made that decision for a reason and don’t go back to them just for fear of being lonely. You deserve someone who gives you the things that they didn’t give you.
The best thing you can do is fake it until you make it. Take photos of yourself laughing uncontrollably, dance around when nobody is watching, tell yourself you are better off without them, and slowly you will start to believe it. It may take weeks or months or years, but one day there won’t be a pile of screwed up tissues by your bed, and you won’t have that dream again. One day you won’t check their Facebook before you go to sleep, you will just fall asleep, the way you did before. One day you will be able to eat their favourite food without thinking about them. One day you will be able to go to that cinema where you had your first date, and you won’t be consumed with memories, you will just be going to see a movie.

They may still cross your mind occasionally, but one day you will wake up and they won’t be your first thought any more.

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