New Me: Day 2/28

September 22, 2016

I set my alarm at 8am and the first thing I had to do in the morning was to do number 2. It was quite watery but it is manageable. After doing my thing, I took the 1st set of pills for the day with pots of water and had a packet of Calorie Mate biscuits. Again, I peed quit a few times  today and I sweat like crazy even if I am just on the couch. 

At lunch, I had brown rice with quinoa and garlic, scrambled egg and stir fried veggies. I drank water like crazy as well. I had a few bites of chocolates as well for my dessert. Before I took my 6 pm set, I had one doughnut for dinner and 2 glass of water. No lightheaded feeling today after taking the 2nd set. 

At around 8:30, I took my last set for the day. Again, no weird feeling. And before the day ends for me, I weighed myself a few minutes ago and I was shocked to see that from 70 kilos, I am now at 67.5 kilos!! Hooray!!!

Starting weight: 70 kilos

Target weight: 50 kilos

Current weight: 67.5 kilos 

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