Scared To Love

June 01, 2016
I’m afraid to fall in love. Maybe because I cannot control myself, my emotion and the love I give. Yes. It’s scary when I fall in love because even if I am not capable of giving something, surprisingly I come up with an idea to make it possible. It’s really scary because I’ll be willing to risk everything in the name of love. Some may think I’m obsessed. No I am not. In fact when someone wants to go, I let them. I do not run after them, I let them realize that they made a wrong decision and when they come back; guess what, I still welcome them with open arms. It’s really scary isn’t it? The worst thing is, I come unappreciated. They always take me for granted. Every one of them, all of the past relationships I had. Maybe it’s because they know that I will be there no matter what. Maybe because they know that I love them too much.

I hope next time love would be fair. I hope if ever it’ll play another game it’ll let me know beforehand so I’ll come up with a good tactic. So I’ll win the game, so it will not leave me weeping.

Another scary thing when I fall in love is; I can’t get over it easily. It takes years to forget someone whom I really love. Yes years. It took me 2 years to get over with my first love. But none the less, I am happy finding myself again and putting back the pieces of me that was once shattered. 

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