New Me: Day 1/28

September 21, 2016

I woke up at around 8 in the morning and took 1 blue/white capsule, 2 purple tablet and 1 white tablet 30 minutes before taking my breakfast. This day I weighed myself and it was 70 kilos. After taking the morning pills, I felt the urge togo to the bathroom and pee. I actually peed a lot in the morning. 

For breakfast, I had cereals, yakult and water. Lunch was corned beef and rice plus a side of pickled radish. And had chocolates for dessert. For dinner, I cooked stir fried veggies and had 2 spoonfuls of rice. At 6 pm I had to take 2 green tablets and had 3 pieces of chocolates. At around 8 pm before me going to bed, I took the last set for the day which is 2 orange and 1 yellow tablet.

I noticed that on this first day, I drank more water than I usually does. I didn't feel like anything is dry like my mouth or throat. By the way, after taking the green tablets, I felt a little lightheaded and as we speak I am getting sleepy. After the last set of pills, I weighed myself and was shocked to see that I am 1 kilo down. Officially, I am now 69 kilos. I weighed myself a couple of times just to be sure of what I am seeing. And yes, I lost 1 kilo in one day.  Hooray!! 

Starting weight: 70 kilos

Target weight: 50 kilos

Current weight: 69 kilos

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