New Me: Day 3/28

September 23, 2016

Alam was set at 8:00 am. I had to pee before taking my first set of the day. Not like yesterday, I didn't do number 2 today but there's flatulence. As in grabe ang utot ko. I kept going to the bathroom but it's all air. I had my breakfast after an hour and had doughnut plus lots of water. At lunch, I had brown rice with quinoa and garlic, small can of Japanese tuna and scrambled egg plus water.

Before I took my 6 pm set, I ate on pack of Calorie Mate which serves as my dinner and took lots of water. At 6 pm, I took my 2nd set and I felt really sleepy. Took a bath at 7:30 pm to wake myself up since I don't want to miss taking my last set for tonight. By the way in between my sets, I ate chocolates but they are really small ones. 

Finally, I took my last set at 8:30 pm. I took my weight before going to bed and on my third day of taking the pills, I am now at 66.5 kilos. I was amazed by the progress I am making this past few days. Also, I didn't feel anything weird throughout my day. Hooray!!! More kilos to lose!!

Starting weight: 70 kilos

Target weight: 50 kilos

Current weight: 66.5 kilos

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