May 15, 2010
I feel so tired right now but somehow I need to write something in my blog for my dear readers. :) Today was very tiring and fulfilling at the same time. I went to the gym at around 5 in the afternoon for Body Combat and it went well then after that I went to Studio 2 for Body Balance and this time it was fulfilling. Before, I used to have hard time doing the moves but I just found out earlier that I was improving. My balancing moves did quite well than before and I salute myself for that. LOL

Anyway, it's only almost a week and classes will resume again. I'm kinda not yet ready for this. I mean 1 month vacation isn't enough for me since I still need to do a lot of stuffs. I just hate my schedule for next term.:( Imagine every Monday and Wednesday I have a 4.5 hours break and good thing coz I can still go to the gym. Here's my schedule for next term:

I guess this is it. Good night guys. :))

Lots of LOVE,
Kim ♥♥♥

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