30 Things I Want in My Future Boyfriend

May 19, 2010
This day was not as good as the previous one. I wasn't able to attend the gym for two reasons. One is that I wasn't able to get money in the bank and the second is that I feel tired and sort of not feeling well.

Anyway, I've been posting a lot of random stuffs here in my blog and just recently I've wanted to post something I wanted in my future boyfriend. I have this list since I was 1st year or 2nd year high school and every time I see my list, I would often tell myself that no one is perfect so I can't find someone with such characteristics. Before, the list was about 20 something until it turned out to be 30. Here's my so called LIST:

1. kind
2. great sense of humor (able to laugh at himself)
3. the biggest supporter of my dreams - my own rah rah boy
4. passionate about his work
5. sweet and malambing - loves to touch and hold me all the time
6. is a little boy at heart - has a childs innocence and innate trust in the world and mankind
7. highly-tolerant, open-minded
8. is sweet to his mother
9. well-read
10. loves to travel and see the world
11. remembers the things I say, even ones Ive already forgotten
12. someone who looks after my welfare
13. has a great deal of respect for woman
14. a hopeless romantic
15. loves to give me back rubs and foot rubs
16. smells good!
17. loves my family and friends
18. fiercely loyal
19. knows how to cook (maybe a chef or something close)
20. he must be tall :)
21. someone who dresses well, knows what looks good on him
22. someone who melts me with his smile
23. doesn't SMOKE!!
24. someone who openly considers me his best friend
25. someone who surprises me with nice little meaningful presents
26. outdoorsy and athletic
27. has an expressive eyes
28. has nice little crinkles at the corner of his eyes when he smiles..:)
29. courageously persues his dreams
30. thinks me the SMARTEST, the FUNNIEST, and the most INTOXICATING woman in existence.
------------nothing else follows------------

Oh well, that's my list and where on earth would I find Mr. Perfect? LOL  Let's see and in the future I'll be able to tell you my readers who he is. LOL Enough of this crazy stuffs. Good Night guys.

Lots of LOVE,
Kim ♥♥♥

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