Do You Think Love Is Harder Than Life?

May 19, 2010
In my opinion life is hard but i think love is harder. You can call me insane for thinking this but this is what I think. I think this because you have to have requirements for love. You have someone with you but they can easy pull you down with them. Its like starting a new life when you're with someone new. Its just to love and life seem then same at times but a wee bit different at times.

To begin with you have requirements for love but not life. Like in life you can change almost whatever you want. In love you can't really change much. Its two peoples opinions in one so you have to open up your mind and try new things and not stick with what you always want.

Next, You're with someone who is a big part of you now. They can easily pull you down when they want. They know you like a book if you let them in. They read your pages and find out who you are. If they don't like how you are they can easily leave you, as for in life if your family doesn't like what you do they wont leave you and get a new son or daughter they will be there with you all they and help you.

Finally, when you live someone or they leave you its like you're starting a new life. When you're with them you have life you two made but once you guys separate you guys have to start a new life with someone else or with themselves. You may think this is easy but its not. You're so used to how its been and letting it go hurts. In life once your life ends it ends. No need to have to make it back up.

All in all, life and love have some similarities and differences but I think love is harder. It just seems to have more than you can sometimes handle. It also seems to me that both life and love a can bring to to the hands of death fast, sad, yes, but true.

Let me know what you guys think.
This is my personal opinion so please don't contradict me so much.
I have some experiences and this is what life has got me thinking.

Lots of LOVE,
Kim ♥♥♥

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