May 26, 2010
It was a great day today. I'm continuously loosing weight and I'm lovin it so much. I went to the gym earlier and too bad that I really suck at dancing Hip Hop. I don't know what happened today or maybe it's just that I wasn't on the mood to dance Hip Hop. Basically, the steps were way too hard though I can still follow a little. But all in all, it was fun.

Next thing I did was Body Jam. There was a substitute instructor and he's way too cool and I even got the advance steps this time. It was cool that the instructor incorporated Body Jam 53 with 52. :)) I can't wait for the release of BJ 53. :))

Last thing that made my day great was the time I was going home and this friend of mine saw me and said, "Oh Hi! :) Sexy na natin ha. Di kita nakilala." I was like so kilig naman since all my sacrifices were worth it. :))

Good night my dear readers. Soon I'll be posting my review about FF The Fort and FF Southmall. Good night guys.

Lots of LOVE,
Kim ♥♥♥

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