May 26, 2010


It was a great day today. I'm continuously loosing weight and I'm lovin it so much. I went to the gym earlier and too bad that I rea...
May 23, 2010


Basically, tomorrow is the first day of school. 8am is my first class then Imma go to Fitness First The Fort for my gym sessions. That's...
May 22, 2010


I never thought Google would be this cool. Hahaha Frankly speaking, I never played PacMan in the past but google made me play it. :))
May 19, 2010

21 Rules for a Happy LIFE

1. Marry the right person. This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or misery. 2. Work at something you enjoy and that's ...
May 19, 2010

Holy Shh It's LOVE

"If you love someone, ask them for nothing. Don't hold them back from their destiny. Don't keep them from going off in search o...
May 19, 2010

Do You Think Love Is Harder Than Life?

In my opinion life is hard but i think love is harder. You can call me insane for thinking this but this is what I think. I think this becau...
May 17, 2010

14 Years of Friendship

We'll be turning 14 years this coming June. Basically, we've known each other since we were grade school. We've been to same sch...
May 17, 2010

Success + Down With Love

SUCCESS!! Yipee!! Basically, I'm happy to tell everyone that I've already lost 16lbs and I was extremely overjoyed. :) Oh well, I&...
May 15, 2010

I Made Some Cookies

So yesterday I made cookies and it's called sugar cookies. Basically the ingredients were. flour, egg, sugar, vanilla, butter and baking...
May 15, 2010

SPECIAL: Joseph Vincent ♥♥♥

I've been dying to post something about him in my blog and this is a special post for me :)) Anyway, how did I found out about this guy?...
May 15, 2010


I feel so tired right now but somehow I need to write something in my blog for my dear readers. :) Today was very tiring and fulfilling at t...
May 14, 2010

Body Jam 52

So, I'm enjoying Body Jam most of the time since I'm able to practice my dancing skills. Basically, Body Jam 52 covers a wide range ...
May 13, 2010

MAY 10, 2010

It's been a while since my last post and from now on enough of the fantasies and welcome to reality. :) A lot of things had happen thi...
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