Dear Boyfriend

August 10, 2013
So I don’t know if its going to be right, but hell I care. I’m going to start out by saying that you’re not just my boyfriend. You’re my absolute best friend. You’re one person who I can tell everything to. There isn’t anything I don’t tell you. You’re always here for me with good advice and when I’m down you never fail to pick me right back up and push me to keep trying. You always make sure that I’m happy and you always try your hardest to keep this relationship going strong. This is always going to be the one I don’t forget. I’m happy I found you in this world. Out of the millions of guys out there you’re truly the only one that’s half of me. I promise to cherish every second with you and never lie or keep anything from you, the good or the bad because you deserve to know everything. I know we’re not too young to talk about forever, but that’s what I see when I’m with you. I still see it when we’re apart. That’s another thing… The miles that separate us are just numbers. They don’t mean anything to me. I mean, I can’t just walk to your house anytime I would like to, but I tell you what. I don’t care how long it takes to happen. I’m gonna get there. :) Let’s be patient. I know we’re gonna have our ups and downs and fall outs, but I swear, it’s all worth it, all will be worth it. As long as I get to spend this roller coaster ride called life with you. You make things seem so easy and almost effortless. In all actuality it’s not, but with you by my side anything is possible. Remember what I used to do when we first started talking? How I’d always talk bad about myself, and how low my self esteem was? Look at me now, stronger than ever. All because of ONE person. My entire life went down another path because of you. I’m happy, contented, blessed and I’m smiling. That’s something I thought I’d never do again. Thank you and iloveyou. You’re the most amazing boyfriend a girl could possibly ask for. You’re handsome, smart, funny, sweet, and crazy. Anyway, you’re every girls dream. But you’re my dream come true. I just became the luckiest girl on earth. I just want you to know this too… I’m sorry I get jealous. But look at you, you’re perfect and I don’t want anyone except myself to have you. Thank you for everything, you truly deserve the best in life and I hope that I’m giving you everything you've ever wanted and more. You don’t deserve anything less than everything. Iloveyou, Babsy!

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