100 Reasons Why I Love My Boyfriend

August 09, 2013
1. I love his eyes.

2. I love his smile.

3. I love how he gets a cute look on his face when he smiles.

4. I love his face.

5. I love the way he says he loves me.

6. I love the way he looks at me.

7. I love the way i can look at a picture of him and smile.

8. I love how happy i am with him.

9. I love the way he makes me smile.

10. I love his laugh.

11. I love the way he talks to me.

12. I love how he is funny.

13. I love how he understands me.

14. I love looking at him.

15. I love how we can just sit and stare at each other.

16. I love how we always have something to talk about.

17. I love how we can both sit and stare at each other and smile.

18. I love how he makes my heart beat.

19. I love how everytime i see him i have butterflies in my stomach.

20. I love his jokes.

21. I love how we kissed.

22. I love his lips :)

23. I love how we first met.

24. I love how he tells me everything.

25. I love how i can tell him anything that i never told anyone else.

26. I love how he give me importance.

27. I just plain out love him.

28. I love how i listen to a song and think of him.

29. I love how i am at work and he always seems to pop up in my mind.

30. I love how he has inspired me so much.

31. I love how it was so easy to write a poem about him.

32. I love the way he is.

33. I love how comfy i am around him.

34. I love the memories we had.

35. I love how he thinks about me.

36. I love how much i want to hold him.

37. I love how much i want to kiss him and never want it to end.

38. I love how we are together.

39. I love how sometimes tears build up because i am so happy with him.

40. I love how he chose me over all the other girls.

41. I love how we make silly little jokes to each other.

42. I love how i can share my day with him and he listen.

43. I love how we can go in to deep conversations.

44. I love how he wants to help me get over my fears.

45. I love how i am gonna get to hold,kiss, and stare in to his eyes.

46. I love how much he has lifted my soul.

47. I love how he took all the pain away.

48. I love how i am no longer sad because of him.

49. I love his hug.

50. I love the way he looks at me.

51. I love how we want no one else than each other.

52. I love how i can type stuff like this because of him.

53. I love how happy i was to get a call or text message from him.

54. I love how much time we spent in the past.

55. I love the way we first told each other the way we felt.

56. I love how i always have him on my mind.

57. I love how i can talk to him.

58. I love looking forward to coming home just to talk to him.

59. I love how he is the first thing on my mind in the mornings.

60. I love how he is the last thing i think of at night.

61. I love how i feel like he is next to me when i sleep.

62. I love who he is.

63. I love looking at him.

64. I love thinking back on the memories we have shared.

65. I love how he too is making something like this.

66. I love the way he looks at me and makes me melt.

67. I love no matter what is happening in my life when i think of him i always feel better.

68. I love when we are talking about our future together.

69. I love his voice.

70. I love the feeling i have for him all the time.

71. I love how i am such a fulfilled person now.

72. I love how i have gotten over my past because of him.

73. I love how he always ends up in one of my poems i write.

74. I love how i think of him 24 hours a day.

75. I love how sweet he is to me.

76. I love the look in his eyes when he admires me.

77. I love the way he makes me feel.

78. I love how he makes me cry in a good way. I love how he promises me a better life.

80. I love how he takes my breath away.

81. I love how he takes all my pain away.

82. I love how he cares about me.

83. I love his being weird.

84. I love how he understands me.

85. I love how we want a future together.

86. I love how serious he is about our future.

87. I love his face when he gets mad.

88. I love how we love each other.

89. I love his hands.

90. I love the way we hold hands.

91. I love how he calls me taba.

92. I love the way he loves me.

93. I love how much we long for each other.

94. I love how he has different taste in music.

95. I love how he thinks of me.

96. I love it even when i am at home i can feel him next to me.

97. I love how he sings to me.

98. I love how he worries about me.

99. I love his killer smile, which made me fall for him.

100. I love everything about him.

After all that I have said and done, after all that I will say and do. I still haven't felt like I have said it all. I'll never be able to finish a list of why I love him. Because, like my love for him, the list is endless.

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