Thursday: Body Pump

June 04, 2010
Today was very tiring and fun day. :)

As my daily habit, I went to the gym earlier since today is a thursday and there will be Body Attack c/o Andre. I was hurrying since it was already 6 pm and Body Attack will be starting in any minute. It was exactly 6:06 pm when I arrived at the gym and Body Combat is already done. I saw my dad and I told him I'll be joining Body Attack but then he told me that there will be no Body Attack today but there will be Body Pump. I told him that I won't be joining since I don't want lifting weights but then he convinced me to join.

Basically, I did enjoy Body Pump though it was tiring and at the same time it makes my muscle ache. I'm looking forward to Body Pump and I'll be joining this GX over and over again.

Good night readers.

Lots of LOVE,
Kim ♥♥♥


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