Amazing Isn't It?

June 19, 2010
Is it amazing how the things that bring you joy can also hurt you in the end? Eating too much sweets can make your tooth ache, playing too much sports make Your body hurt, being wealthy doesn’t exactly guarantee a happy life, and as Spiderman would say with great power comes great responsibility.

A classic example is falling in love. Isn’t it true that Love makes your heart beat faster and slower at the same time? Sure falling in love and finding for that significant other is so much better than being lonely and miserable. But with this inspiration means you’re risking yourself for future desperation. Love is supposed to be the most wonderful feeling.  It should inspire you and give you joy and strength. But sometimes the things that give you joy can also hurt you in the end.

Life is worth living with the company of friends. 

Our Friends are the People who know the best of you as well as your deepest and darkest secrets that can destroy you.  Why do we keep our friends close and avoid petty quarrels and misunderstandings? Because we can’t bear the idea that the person that can make things all right is the same person that caused you the pain that you’re in.

Things than bring you joy can hurt you in the end. Who gives us the strength that we need when we are troubled? Who tells us that’s things will be all right when things aren’t going our way? Where do we get the drive to keep on fighting for something what we think is right? More or less we turn to our family. What’s sad is if there’s nobody when you need a hand or a shoulder to cry on. When our family is not around when we need them the most, we experience great pain, we suffer a lot because these people are the most important people in our life and we can’t afford to loose them. When your parents don’t trust you or believe in your capabilities we feel down, because we expect them to be the first persons who must support us in every step we make.Isn’t it amazing how we don’t want to embarrass ourselves but find great pleasure laughing at other people’s failures and mistakes?

Life is a paradox.

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