Just being with you, it's much better than sitting alone.

June 17, 2010
I wanna do all of this with my future bf. This was the result of a sudden memory loss and all I can think about was my FUTURE..lol

1. Give me butterflies in my belly
2. Making me more happy than I ever could become.
3. letting me dream again, about us, or you.
4. wasting my time on you, and I am happy I wasted on you, best waste time ever.
5. That I could finally lay on the grass, next/with the person I love the most, and then feel completely save.
6. Giving me a new and better reason the life on.
7. To say the words "I love you" and get a respond back with "I love you too" or "I love you more"
8. Holding my hand and let me feel that I wasn't alone.
9. Giving my heart a place to stay warm.
10. Accepted me for who I am, and how I act.
11. To be able to hold you or to be hold.
12. That you can make me forget any problem.
13. To rob my from my first kiss, and it was the best kiss ever.
14. making me feel special, no-one ever did that to me.
15. Opening my eyes to new things.
16. To laugh and giggle about everything and nothing.
17. Making me all worried about you, when you look sad or are going skating, I hate to see you in pain.
18. Missing you when I don't hear a thing from you.
19. Making my heart beat faster when you suddenly kiss me.
20. Making me want to sleep next of you, because I feel save next of you.
21. Bright up my day with your smile and giggles, the make me happy.
22. Giving me hope in love, because I lost it, and you gave it back.
23. Making me smarter, by showing new things.
24. Making me feel pretty, even when I don't feel like it. (makes no sens, I know)
25. taking over my mind with only good times and memories.
26. make me want to do things I normally don't do.
27. caring about me when I ain't feeling well.
28. making funny remarks that I can laugh to.
29. Being scared of horror movies and then watch them together and see that you get scared by a weird "BOEM" sound effect, it makes me laugh every time I think about it.
30. Being my machine to keep my heart beating.
31. Being my angel who watches over me at night even if you are far away.
32. Just being with you, it's much better than sitting alone.
33. being able to hug you, and to get a hug back.
34. To be amazed of all your skills.
35. To be speechless, and I am only looking into your eyes.

**sorry if i became too cheezy..lol

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