Who's the REAL me?

June 17, 2010
Hello, I’m Kim.

A small paragraph you read on your computer screen isn’t really going to tell you anything about me, but I guess you’ll get an idea of what I’m like. So Here Goes.

I’m just a simple person living in a not so simple world. I’m full of uncertainty about a lot of things and a lot of people, but I like it this way.

Being a teenager is, well what can I say; it’s the part of life which is filled with dramatic misery for a lot of kids. Not for me. I’m a happy chap. I like to smile and skip. But that’s not saying that my world is perfect because my world is far from that. There’s not a second in my life however, that I wish it was. If anyone’s life was perfect than they’d never make mistakes, and sure it’s cliché but I believe people make mistakes for a reason. I know I’ve learned from every mistake I’ve ever made. I believe mistakes make me a better person when I resolve them.

I’ve learned to live my life believing that one week, one day, one hour, one minute or even one second could change my life. And hearing three words, those three words I so long to hear. “I Love you”. Those three words and that one person could change my entire life.

I've been honest about myself. What’s the point in lying, what’s the point in showing you something I wish I was. There’s no point in me photo-shopping the truth or hiding any flaws, I am what I am, I’m just here to talk to nice people and make friends, I’ve met some amazing people already. Sure I don’t know everyone I meet here personally, but some of the people are amazing and I wish they did exist in my everyday life. I mean I never know one day I might get the chance to meet them.

I’m sorry if I don't reply, sometimes I'm too busy to comment everyone. So please send interesting comments that are cool to reply to.. Please Dont Just Leave I'll try my best to reply to every single comment, but don't go crazy if i miss you.... I'm Sorry if I don't reply ahhhhh. ok...I don’t want control your comments and what you write to me but I know 94% of people won’t even read this, so if you do, please put something about Hmmm About Tiny Turdlets. It means a lot to me that people actually read this. I love making new friends. Ask questions, I love questions.


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