Just A Thought

June 19, 2010
Whenever I go through my depression spells, you'd find me in front of my computer trying to form the playlist that would glorify it all. I search for the gut-wrenching songs, the songs that make the perfect backdrop for all your tears and the pain that travels through every single part of body.

I realized now that there aren't much, really. It's true when they say that history's most powerful songs are usually the ones of the heartbroken persuasion. I won't contest that -- but today, when I was feeling immensely happy, I realized that the soundtrack possibilities are endless. I put my iTunes on shuffle and one after the other, something brilliant just comes on. I could click my heels, jump to the center of my room, scream, and huddle under my blanket with all this amazing music washing over me.

Blah Blah Blah!!

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