Note To Self

June 20, 2010
I can't remember the last time I felt so alive. No, I actually do. I just don't think I can get my hands on it anymore. Blah Blah I just feel so *sabaw*!

57 more days and it will be my 20th birthday and as an annual task, here's my birthday wish list for this year. Some might be too sarcastic. LOL

- a birthday party
Last year I had a birthday celebration so why not have another birthday celebration for this year, right? But I doubt it. It will be a busy week for my birthday since there will be a lot of reporting, paper works and other school stuffs.

- cake
Yeah! I want a cake! Hahaha I want an UBE Cake! Nothing more than that! :))

- cupcakes
It will be nice if someone will give me cupcakes on my birthday but I doubt it again. Hahaha I bet I'll be the one making cupcakes instead then give it to my friends.

- Canon 500D DSLR

- a new wallet
My old wallet just turned 1 1/2 years last month and it's not in a good condition anymore. I badly want a new wallet on my birthday. I don't care if it's from Divisoria or what. I just want a new wallet! LOL

- backpack
This is a fact: I've been using the same back pack over and over again for 6 years and this has proved me that Jansport is really durable. For this year, I want a new one just for a change. LOL

- Ipod touch / Ipod Classic
It's 3 years since my Ipod Video was stolen in the MRT station together with my Sony DigiCam. And I'm dying to have one. HAHAHA

- Facebook, myspace and blogger comments that can make me cry
Hahaha! Just make me cry on my big day and I'll love you for the rest of my life. No joke! Tears of Joy lang ang counted. LOL

- mix tapes
I just love them and I'm sick of downloading a lot of mix tapes that fills up most of the memory of my hard drive.

- Paul Frank skull bikini

- books about cocktails
I saw a lot of choices from National Bookstore and the cheapest I saw was about Php 300.00 ++ and buying me one will make me happy for the rest of my life again. :))

- Nike stuffs
Whether it's shoes, shirt, bottoms. As long as it came from Nike, I'll love it. :))

- birthday cards
So old school but yeah! I want to receive a lot of birthday cards on my birthday. :)) I think I was like 12 or 13 when I have received my last birthday card.  

- magazine subscriptions

- a new pet ( i miss paopao and vodka so much)
a PUG will do since I love them. :))

- elastic head bands, snap-on hair clips
I'm a gym buff and I hate my hair whenever it messes my face everytime I do my work outs.

- uninterrupted sleep
yeah!! Just don;t disturb me for a day and I'll have my 12 hour sleep ok! :))

- a gym bag
You know that I'm doing my gym sessions almost everyday and I badly want a new gym bag for me to carry all my things with me. It's like I'm stuffing my current gym bag with full stuffs not knowing that it's like going to burst out. LOL

- long-lost friends
I just miss them.

- letters
It's not baduy. It's cool and sweet. So make letters for me. :))

- the Beach
Just one vacation to the beach and you'll make me bry because of JOY! :))

- a miracle


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