DAY 1: Motivation

January 10, 2013
Since the last post I posted here says that I am a whale now meaning I am really super big as in overweight, I really mean it. So I decided to write and share my journey to fitness. I'll be writing EVERYDAY now a blog to help me track down my weight loss. By the way you may wonder how I look now being a whale. Here's a  photo:

I am the one wearing white. I'm so BIG!! So whale!! (nakakahiya)

This is me on my first day of intense cardio exercise.

Currently I weigh 70 kg and as per what the BMI calculator says, I am OVERWEIGHT! F*ck you don't have to rub it in. LOL. So my target weight now is to go back to 50 kg which is my weight when I was still in college. Good thing now is that I resigned work because being in a night shift tends to be fattening. I can now concentrate more on my fitness.

Let's what's gonna happen next. By the way, I'll track down my food intake as well everyday. I won't follow any fad diets, I'll have my own.

See you tomorrow.


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