Day 3: Sleepless Nights

It's almost 3 am and I'm still alive ant butt kicking. Since I've started my diet I've noticed that I'm having sleepless nights wherein I'm wide awake on times when everyone else is sleeping and i am sleeping the whole day. basically my sleep is like 10-12 hours per day. i don't know how this happen but I'm trying to fight it.

Ok lets now see my diet improvements. The day i started day 1 i told you that i was 70 kg and a while ago i step in the weighing scale and i was now at 69 kg. I'm taking baby steps now but i know i can make it. so what i basically do is i mostly sleep and eat just one full meal in a small plate, have tea and lots of water. this week i will not be doing any exercise. as what i say, i am experimenting on my diet regimen.

By the way since I've been sleepless for about a week, YouTube became my instant best friend. ive been watching different kinds of stuff like make up tutorial, song lyrics and of course weight loss. i think it was the other night that i came across this video:

The video above is such a motivation for me. Not only that she did lost around 100 lbs, she also manages to motivate and inspire other people. i envy her because she has all the motivation in this world. if only i can have my motivation geared up i would be kicking some a** in my diet. LOL

Someday I know I will fit in to my favorite dress, walk with confidence and be able to wear 2 piece bikini again. I know I can definitely do this! If that lady in the video can do it and so do I!!

Gimme some motivation baby!! Ciao!

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