May 11, 2013
It’s simple really, I love you. I think it was always different, even from the beginning. I didn't think too much of you at first, I was actually annoyed by you, but then I started to realize all of the little things. The little remarks defending me even when I wasn't offended. The way you would go out of your way to help someone even when it was inconvenient for you. You have the best qualities that I have ever seen in a guy. You are sweet, kind, humorous, and most of all genuine. You are REAL! I understand you to your core, and because of this I fully trust you. This is probably a gamble and everything I have seen, read, and have been told is telling me to be hesitant and reserved, but I can’t help but fall. We even have those moments when we see or hear something we know the other person would like and we look at each other and in those moments nothing else exists it’s just us and the space between us. All of these things have made it easy to fall in love with you these past few months. However, I don’t think you feel as deeply as I do and it kills me. I read into a lot of situations due to my naivety and insecurities and I am afraid I have read too far into this relationship. I think I’m stuck in the “friend zone” but I’m still so in love with you! I don’t know if you just can’t see it or that you do see it and you don’t feel the same way. I’ll probably never know because I don’t want to ruin the relationship, friendship, we do have. It paralyzing though because I don’t want to move on because if you are “the one” then I will be “steered in the wrong direction” and I’ll miss out on a true love. But, if I bring my feelings up to you there’s a chance I will be the only one with feelings and our relationship will be awkward and forever changed. So, here I am stuck in this limbo of cherishing and over thinking every word you've ever said to me, hoping that one day you will tell me that you are as in love with me as I am with you.

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