April 21, 2010
Basically, I forgot to blog about what happened yesterday since I felt so tired and all I wanted to do was to sleep in my beloved bed. Oh well, yesterday was fun since I saw him. (You know who I'm referring to and finally I knew his name :p) It was around 5 in the afternoon when I arrived at the gym and when I started working out, my eyes started to wander and look for him. I thought I won't be able to see him but then I saw him from afar. By the time I saw him, I wonder if he's looking at me coz he's looking up at me or maybe it was just a big mistake for me. I didn't even notice him going upstairs for his trainee and the time he went upstairs, he said "Hi" to me and I waved at him. I was so kilig that time that I couldn't help myself but smile. :)

Today was more fun. I went to Hip Hop class today and guess what, I didn't even notice him looking at me during my dance. But then I spotted him from afar and I didn't expect he was watching me. After the dance, I saw him outside and I waved at him. Here's the catch now. I was doing the abs thing when I noticed or I must say I didn't even notice that he was there. He told me that he saw me dance and I was good at it. OMG! I got a compliment from him. :) Then he asked me what time will be tomorrow's training and its was 1 in the afternoon. :) Last thing happened was he said goodbye to me while I was taking some rest earlier. OMG! LOL! Infatuation is here.

YESTERDAY was fun but TODAY was even more fun! Good night readers. Byeyee!! :))

Lots of LOVE,
Kim ♥♥♥

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