April 30, 2010


I'll be back very soon my dear readers. :)) Lots of LOVE, Kim ♥♥♥
April 24, 2010

Not So Nice

Yesterday, I was supposed to write something but then again I got tired because as usual I went to the gym and did some yoga and dance. So y...
April 22, 2010

And It was Fun Again

Oh well, my day was fun again as usual. :) Went to the gym around 1 in the afternoon and ended around 7 in the evening. OMG!I'm lovin th...
April 21, 2010


Basically, I forgot to blog about what happened yesterday since I felt so tired and all I wanted to do was to sleep in my beloved bed. Oh we...
April 19, 2010

I'm LOVIN the gym ♥♥♥

As what the title of this blog says is that I'm lovin' the gym, it's definitely TRUE! I had a great time earlier with my frien...
April 18, 2010

Hello GYM!

Oh well, summer is here and hitting the gym is my hobby now. :) Just this morning, my dad and I went to the gym and since it was morning I w...
April 17, 2010


I now welcome myself to BLOGSPOT :))
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