Plain Letter to My Future Bf (LOL)

September 25, 2010
Dear Future Bf,

you mean more to me than life itself, and i would do anything to keep you by my side.

i love everything about you.

the way you make me laugh, when nothing else can.

the way you make me cry...

i wish i could comprehend you better, but you're a very complex human being, you are... lol :]

oh, well.

i suppose i have more time to learn, right?

being with you is the most exhilarating experience i have ever had.

you give me butterflies just by looking at me, and smiling that crooked little smile that makes my heart skip a beat.

forever and ever.

that's my promise to you.

to be yours for the rest of eternity.

my heart will always be in your grasp..

i'm trusting you to take good care of it.

i trust you with my life.

you make it easy to be myself, and i love that about you.

no matter how bad i'm feeling, you can always cheer me up with your kisses :]

and if i'm mad at you, it won't be for long, because it won't take but a minute for me to remember all of these things.

all of the reasons i love you.

all the reasons to appreciate everything you do.

and i can never get any sleep at night now because i can't stop thinking about you.

my brain just won't shut up!

and you know what they say..

"you know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."♥♥

and when i'm away from you, it hurts.

it literally hurts.

it's like having a huge, gaping hole in the middle of my chest.

and to fill that hole, i need to be with you at all times.

i crave to have your arms around me.

it makes me feel safe.

it makes me feel loved...

and i will love you forever, baby.<33

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