My Version of AGLIO OLIO

September 19, 2010
I've been busy this past few days since the term has started. Oh well, I getting used to my schedule already though it really sucks. It's like you have to wake up too early because you have an 8am class. Argh!

Lately I've been eating lots of carb and for 2 days straight I've been eating this:

Basically, that's my version of Aglio Olio. It's very easy to make like 1-2-3. Here's the procedure:
1. Boil pasta according to package.
2. After the pasta has been cooked, drain it and set aside.
3. In a sauce pan, put a little EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) and 1 tbsp of butter. This helps the butter from burning.
4. When the pan is hot enough, put minced garlic maybe about 8 cloves or according to your preference and sweat it for a few seconds just to extract the flavors.
5. After sweating the garlic, put the pasta in the sauce pan  and mix well so that it will be coated by the oil and garlic.
6. Add chopped black olives, 2 tbsp of basil, 2 tsp of chili powder (optional) and salt and pepper to taste.
7. If your pasta is quite dry, add olive oil.
8. Last but definitely not the least, sprinkle some Parmesan cheese on top.

Enjoy eating my dear readers. :)

Lots of LOVE,
Kim ♥♥♥

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