And It was Depressing

December 10, 2010
Today is so depressing for me. :(

Early this morning we had out thesis proposal defense and I must say that it's too depressing. Criticisms were not so good though it would help us in revising our paper. After having our defense, I had a feeling that I really wanted to cry and burst all my feelings out. Good thing my partner was kinda considerate on me that i got too nervous at the beginning of our presentation.

Despite the fact that today was really depressing, I did got happy coz my mom was there to back up on me. I mean she was there and gave me moral support though that fuckin' presentation sucked. Anyway, I also got allergies from peanuts again and my whole body was covered with rashes. I hope tomorrow this will be gone coz I still have class to attend to.

Too much for this guys. I think Imma go  now. Have a good night everyone.

Lots of LOVE,
Kim <3<3<3

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