Recipe 101: Cheesy Beef Nachos

May 29, 2014
Cooking is one of my passions. I always love cooking and baking ever since I was a child. I remember digging the fridge around 10PM and cooking something out of anything that I could find in the fridge. I've been dying as well to post some of my recipes here in my blog so I will start with this one. This is a very simple Cheesy Beef Nachos. 

Sorry for the photo quality. I was using an iPad Air.

Cheesy Beef Nachos

2 lbs ground beef
1 1/2 cups of grated cheddar cheese 
Nacho chips
2 medium sized onions (either red or white), diced
3 medium sized tomatoes, diced
1 small can of Jalapeños (optional)
10 pieces black olives, sliced
1 small packet of seasoning mix
salt and pepper to taste

First we cook the ground beef. Heat the pan and put in the ground beef. Just cook it until the fat comes out and then add the seasoning mix and salt and pepper for taste. Once cooked, separate the coked ground beef from the oil and then set aside.

Prepare the nacho chips in a pyrex plate or any baking plate. Once the nachos is in there, add the ground beef, onions, tomatoes and the cheese. Top it off with the black olives and the jalapeños. Then add more cheese if desired. 

After everything is set, put the prepared nachos in the oven and cook until the cheese melts. This took me like around 5 minutes for the cheese to fully melt. Then your done. Serve while it's hot and you can add hot sauce for additional spice.

Happy eating everyone. 

Love lots, 

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