New Year Checklist

December 29, 2014
1. Don’t stay in any place that you don’t fit in, that makes you uncomfortable, that keeps you small. Don’t stay in any state of mind that does that, either. Go after the things you want, actively wondering, continually reassessing, with constant self-assurance and patience.

2. Forgive yourself for any action, thought or part of yourself that you find inadequate or out of character; that being said, be restless in improving whatever is within your power and what you find really matters.

3. Remember that it’s ok to want to spend time by yourself, to want to spoil yourself from time to time, to want to forget about the world for a while. Your true self sometimes needs a wider space to manifest itself and maybe a little more time. That’s alright.
4. Remember to stay as far as you can from negative, toxic people. They will always try, consciously or not, to transfer some of their negativity to you. If you can make their day a bit easier, if you can help them gain a new perspective – then by all means, do it. But don’t let them get to you in any way, bringing you down. We are all fighting our own battles, and it’s only when they are ready to see the light that it will reveal itself to them.

5. Exercise and eat well. It’s a cliché maybe, but a healthy mind won’t stick around for long in a sickly body. There are small things you can do, small steps you can take. Just take them, one at a time.

6. Be open to more love, of any kind. Give it space to grow, give it patience. Let it do its numbers on you. Let it change you. Where negativity destroys, love nurtures. And if it ends up hurting, remember that at the end of all that hurt your soul will be much wider, your structure much solid, your understanding much deeper. Hurt from love is purifying, reinforcing, don’t avoid or fear it.

7. Be a good friend, a good child. Give a bit more of yourself; be a bit more open, more attentive, more generous. You’ll find that happiness lies most often in giving, in shared laughter, in confessed secrets. Everything else is hardly worth chasing.

8. Remember that it’s ok to fail sometimes, but only if you really, really tried. Give your all, even when it’s hard as hell. Live with intent, with purpose. Make sure your mark is left on everything you touch, your feelings known, your voice heard.
9. Be brave, kind soul. Fight to discover where your perfectly arranged atoms fit best, make yourself proud and seek as little exterior validation as possible.

10. Have loads of fun, try to find enjoyment in as many ways as possible. Give a chance to new places, surround yourself with interesting people, accumulate experiences rather than things. Youth and strength are limited and I want you to look back knowing it was all a beautiful adventure, a beautiful effort.

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