Bad Mood

February 15, 2013
It's really been a looong time since my last blog. I haven't updated my diet blog either. I've been not in the mood lately for some blog updates but now I have my laptop with me and  now my mind is blank. Don't even know what to say or what to write.

Well, I have been not been feeling good lately. I mean emotionally I am not doing good. Things running in and out of mind. I even can't make a good decision right now or whatsoever. I hate the feeling that you are underestimated by everyone and that everyone around you doesn't even favor you even though you are trying your best to do so.

I badly need a break!! Break from the toxicating air around me.

You know what, I hate the feeling that you are not even doing anything wrong and then they point out to you as if you are the criminal! That's basically what's happening in my life now. I'm a bit disappointed that I was to put blame on everything that was not my fault. It really sucks you know. I don't even know now what should I do. Would it be better if I just kept myself quiet? 

I am emotionally challenged now. Maybe I'll just put all my emotions and the anger that I am feeling now to my Body Combat exercises. I can't do anything as of the moment but to be quiet and not to do anything so in the end I won't be blamed.

I'm out now. CIAO!!!

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